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(12 March), the story of 80-year-old grandfather walked into life with a knife employed for 5 baht 10 baht and 20 baht depending on the size of the knife. Although the body is weak and hard of hearing Dafa Fang never give up to the fate. After my grandfather's life was published in the online world. Later in your Facebook Saran Wiriyalai have posted your story with this guy says.
"See you in the eye and then the knife was the udon was told not to disturb the other children because they do not have money. I arrived in Bangkok. (I stayed in South Turnpike Road) over the age of 80 and still have to walk. Contractors knife so a 5 Baht 10 baht and 20 baht depending on size, now you're going to call in, and seen the poor Sam to take a knife to the secret thread ".
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Yes, the sons But you are not on the ball. Some say that he did not want to do all that. I was not raised But the question of mouth is. Month, I'll get back to you on it, and Udon free bus ride. Continue to train for free here The children took it 1000-2000 microwaves or as some would find it, but if you ask me the secret is the one walking distance of several bungalows. Sharpening a 10-20 baht wage would not be too many (I).
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