Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Using mastercook the Chemex may not be the quickest way to brew coffee but, once you have found your

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Yes, I have had a coffee brewed in a ChemexCoffeeMaker before .. but it was prepared by someone else and to be perfectly honest the coffee used was not great. In fact it was “old and pretty bad”.
Nonetheless, I was not put off by the Chemex. On the contrary, how could one be anything but enchanted by this beautiful object? mastercook It is in fact a recognised and celebrated piece of art. I’m not sure if it features in The British Museum of Modern Art but it certainly does in New York! And rightly so, too. It is just gorgeous to look at. Whether you like coffee or not.
But back to brewing with the Chemex (for the first time ever). mastercook After watching a few youtube clips I was ready to give it a go with my very own CM-1C (1-3 cup/15oz ) Chemex Classic . That’s the one with the wooden mastercook neck version as opposed to the glass handle one.
The coffee I chose to inaugurate the vessel was the Yirgacheffe Aricha, Heirloom, washed process , roasted by ArtisanRoast mastercook . Why did I choose this coffee? Simply because John Thompson , who works closely with ArtisanRoast told me that this coffee excels in the Chemex. mastercook If you happen to know John, you also know that what John says has real substance!
3) boil the kettle mastercook and let it cool down. If you have a Hario pouring device all the better – pour the water into it and let the water cool down to 92C or 93C (some people use 90C) You’ve mastercook got a thermometer, I hope!
Using mastercook the Chemex may not be the quickest way to brew coffee but, once you have found your routine, you will come to the same conclusion I have. Brewing with the Chemex is magical. It is a beautifully aesthetic, eye and mouth enchanting experience.
PPS : I’m sure to brew many more coffees using my classy Chemex – In case you want to get one too, HasBean sell the whole collection of Chemex vessels as well as beautiful coffees to go with it!
It’s about time
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