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See software update directly on your iOS device all major innovations and understand
iPad, iPhone, iPod: The new iOS runs on many, but not all of these devices. Find out in the following movies which device and which version is suitable as you take the operating espresso machine system in use and how to update older versions - without a PC.
You have an iOS device, and ask yourself if this device iOS 5 can be installed at all? This video reveals that iOS devices are suitable for the current version of this operating system.
Cloud services provide data security and make elaborate Synchronize dispensable by user data on Internet servers are outsourced. Apple calls its version of this service iCloud.
Had you been always carry a dock connector cable to sync the iPhone with a computer and installed on iTunes, this is no longer necessary. iOS devices can be synchronized via Wi-Fi with iTunes.
Incoming messages were under previous iOS versions often a nuisance: The message window jostling espresso machine always before all other applications. Now you can streamline message display customize and also runs much from subtle. Meet the dashboard! espresso machine
Other changes relate not only the iPad, but all iOS devices. These include, among others, the reader function or the reading list.
Even when photographing there are some exciting and above all practical innovations: The grid helps to adjust and creative art work and you can keep measuring points for focus and exposure. espresso machine Also, there's a quick shot function.
Now you have a photo editing! No professional software, but a way for simple espresso machine fixes. To correct red eyes or trim an image, you need the PC has ceased to throw, but can directly handle on your iOS device.
With these functions you can help your iPhone even better if you have difficulties with reading or listening. But one or the other function might be interesting for everyone else.
The newspaper app allows you to read newspapers and magazines. Just as Apple has rolled the (electronic) book market with its iBook Store, which is also run for periodicals.
The reminder app is great for all forgetful espresso machine people. This makes it possible to remind yourself of to-do tasks, depending on the date and time, but also depends on one place.
A touch of Big Brother: With this app you see on a map where certain people just stop. That is, if these people that - generally or temporarily - allow. And provided that these "friends" also use iOS 5 and iCloud services.
With Siri, you can also drive a lot of mischief: Keep up here a few examples!
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