Sunday, May 25, 2014

He hopes people will have their own criteria in assessing the capacity of the candidate and not see

Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) Institute for Community Empowerment (LPM) Bekasi Regency, Drs Dendi suwardi suggests women candidates should dare to fight to win the democratic party in the 2014 election. According to him, women candidates do not just expect the mercy of the voters.
According Dendi, who is also a former successful team Regent and Vice Regent of Bekasi, Neneng Hasanah Yasin and H Rohim Mintareja, female candidates in the legislative elections in 2014 is still expected to fight and do not fall asleep with the number of women voters more.
Also, do not get carried away with 30 percent of the available quota. Therefore, they could have lost the male candidates vidalia strategy to reap the voice of women. "Especially if women candidates expect mercy from constituents to win the competition, can be difficult to get a seat," he told the media highlight in his office on Sunday (23/2).
In fact, competitors candidates women candidates not only men, but also women and must compete vidalia antarcaleg if you want to sit in the seats in parliament. Dendi argues, in order to win seats in parliament is not entirely related to gender or religious background.
He said, the election is like an election contestants race for seats DPD, DPR and DPRD. "Here the applicable competition law, candidates can grab the attention of voters with a variety of strategies and capabilities, to limit the time available would have grabbed a lot of support," he said.
He saw, male candidates tend to be more proactive in seeking support from the constituency constituency (electoral district) respectively. Dendi suwardi encountered in busy schedules to take care of the LPM, less agreed that if a religious community background, as in other areas serve the cause of lack of support women candidates. "From the results of the election of other areas is almost similar trends, so it is not because of religion, but on the value of his fighting," he said.
He hopes people will have their own criteria in assessing the capacity of the candidate and not see the gender aspect. He said people would judge candidates from communicating intelligence aspects, which are well known and have clear goals set out in the vision and mission of the candidates. (Dudun)

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