I do not know what was in the case of Professor / Abu Islam, and the right that I do not want to know, many of Akaber bloggers revolted and rushing to defend the right of expression, and the illegality of his detention and released a photo effect that the confiscated at Abu Islam is a blow to freedom of expression on the Internet, and for all the right writing, and is not what any sane person convection can be denied, and therefore I find a picture of Abu Islam leads many blogs, and some of which I have great respect.
I wonder Suala everlastingly what the right of expression, and what is the custom / law / guideline principles that Nteke them to be able to distinguish between good and bad (so to speak), and what is al-Faisal between open writing that no fear of the subject or an individual or a government, and between racism writing that fights the other group in general, like weapons, money or other means, has always been what I thought that the word more lethal than any other tool, Vadb Greeks lived centuries convection after yard armies and gear and state continued in the minds and imaginations and poems People to this day.
But the network is full of writings oppress the other, it calls Boqbh words on the whole, and humiliation convection here lies on a range Bamomha - not the religion convection itself, or the content of the Aidologgio- and is permissible, but rather there wrote describe people of other religion, dogs and snakes and Gypsies and others, and these qualities fired on a group of people condemn the religion of a different writer, and this is the focus of my talk, Is this the freedom of expression? How? And what is the principle upon which the judge? Is the country and in a position to support such behavior convection towards other religions? I do not say that we are parents or guardians of what is said or what is not said ... but I say that we play a role.
I see that every owner of a religion, or Mentm religious group, or ethnic what, it is usually associated more with its rules and Noamesha, and may appear from singing the free hostility to the owners of the other religion, and it is something convection I reject completely, and I think many people agree with me in opinion, But is it the right of such person to insult the other group? Is it freedom of expression? The answer is no.
"... Dealing with priests convection and monks in the fight against Islam, and to advocate for what is not consistent with distorted (Muslims) in polygamy and women's freedom, equality convection and human rights in prostitution and fight Khvad women and advocacy to identify the descendants of Muslims and freedom rebound for debt consolidation issues ..."
Solution, and it is my plea today believer that my / our role and duty, is to return the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted and proclaimed by United Nations General Assembly resolution 217 A (3) of 10 December / December 1948) and not He knew, and our starting point in dealing with the writing on the network, because religions are subject to interpretation, and passions and emotions, convection but the Declaration of Human Rights, I think it is not in good standing, and if governments and major countries condoned by a lot, do not we must work similarly.
Declaration of Human Rights to prevent the explicit discrimination on religious foundations, racial, ethnic, and the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief (adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly convection resolution 36/55, dated November 25 / November) says:
- Discrimination between human beings on the basis of religion or belief convection constitutes an affront to human dignity and a disavowal of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and must be condemned as a violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and detailed in the International Covenants on Human Rights ....
Article 4: 1. all States shall take effective measures to prevent and eliminate discrimination on the basis of religion or belief, in recognition of human rights and fundamental freedoms in all fields of civil, economic, political, social and cultural life, and in the enjoyment of these rights and freedoms.
1. Everyone has the right to hold opinions without interference. 2. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes freedom to seek various forms of information and ideas, receive and impart to others, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print form or in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice. 3. The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject convection to certain restrictions, but these shall be defined by law and are necessary: (a) For respect of the rights or reputations convection of others, (b) For the protection of national security or public order, or of public health or morals.
There is also a Declaration on the Contribution of the media in support of peace and international understanding of basic principles, and the promotion of human rights, anti-racism, apartheid and incitement to war is subject to the system and I think it just perfect to deal with all forms of writing.
I know that some may consider to announce that it is incomplete, or incomplete, or not equal to the Holy Scriptures, laid off or humans, or a Zionist / Crusader / imperialism, each and every culture plan, and may be the view of this right, but I think that if Many people read the ad to believe in him.
Professor Abu Islam, has breached the base of freedom of expression, and entered into a cycle of hatred and racism convection and sometimes even incitement to war, and is not I find it prudent to be supported by the brotherhood of bloggers who have contributed and contribute to the defense of freedom of expression and civil rights, read once a post to which he says Alaa
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