Sunday, January 26, 2014

8. Temperance and simplicity in food - one of the keys to success. Food should be varied (vegetable

Commercial sports and fitness in the medical community have earned a reputation as the "factory of heart attacks." Their methods are based on the energy-intensive dynamic exercise, depletes the body as a whole and developing one of the hypertrophied muscle groups - usually for reasons of fashion hypertrophy of these muscles.
At the same time the task of keeping in shape effectively solves the system of practices that existed long before all this dubious pilsner commercial sports and Order system practiced for thousands of years. On the basis of these practices has established a system of isometric exercises. Provenance izmetricheskoy gymnastics.
All exercises are proven character, used in the practice of the Knights Templar, in yoga, in hermetic cults in copyright systems A.K.Anohina and V.V.Shlahtera. And in the process of synthesis of single balanced system are partially modified, based on the current scientific understanding of the nature of innervation of the body.
Static or isometric pilsner gymnastics medal since ancient times was the secret of physical training many medieval chivalry. The most effective of them considered Templar system, which allowed them to have great physical strength without exhausting workouts and strength exercises that have become fashionable in the modern times. Templar system has common roots with gyms Indian pilsner yogis.
At the beginning of the XX century has earned a great reputation system gyms Dr. A. Anokhin. Book describing the system withstood Anokhin 7 editions during his lifetime. Even far from the sports pilsner magazine "Niva" in 1909 published it in full, calling pilsner the "best room in gymnastics." Its principles are used in their training, many athletes of the past. Principles of isometric exercises.
Anokhin system called "volitional exercises." Its principle is that the exercises without complication (ie without dumbbells, expander, weights and other sports equipment), you must consciously exert appropriate muscles, simulating overcoming resistance.
Anokhin pilsner system has not lost its relevance to the present day. His exercises provide an opportunity not only increase strength, but also to achieve the ability to tense and relax certain muscle groups, which is very important in sports pilsner and any physical work.
Meaning of isometric exercises that during their performance pilsner at the muscles and tense, but their length does not change and there is no movement in the joints. You can put pressure on the palm of his hand in front of chest, or to straighten a horseshoe tear chain. Externally unsuccessful attempts, with multiple repetitions, will be very effective in the development of muscle pilsner strength and strength of tendons.
Isometric exercises, presented below, is based on the classical system Anokhin and can be a good introductory, although optional, path to our systems pilsner of body-oriented practices. This will allow you to gymnastics, spending every day rather modest amount of time and relatively little effort to maintain a good body shape and control the external forms of the body. The main differences of sports and isometric exercises.
7. After the exercises you need to take a shower, and then vigorously rub the body with a towel.
8. Temperance and simplicity in food - one of the keys to success. Food should be varied (vegetables, fruits, milk), without the predominance of meat. Opinion that it is necessary to build up muscles in your diet to include large amounts of meat, wrong. pilsner
Cirque du Soleil for the Universiade prepared exclusive - have children themselves during rehearsal eyes just lit with happiness. As it turned out, Azat 6 years studying at the circus school and wants to get into du Soleil for a permanent job, and at the same time dreaming of Elvina professions hairdresser and coach gymnastics.
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