Friday, February 27, 2015

Uchunguzi wa kina unaonyesha ya kwamba asilimia 70% ya bidhaa zinazoingia Tanzania ni feki na zina

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Uchunguzi wa kina unaonyesha ya kwamba asilimia 70% ya bidhaa zinazoingia Tanzania ni feki na zinazotokana na unyang anyi [piracy] hasa kutokea China. Na hiihipo kuanzia kwenye Maziwa unayokunywa na familia yako, video unavyoangalia na kufurahia na familia yako, madawa unayokunywa na familia yako, vyakula unavyokula na familia yako na simu unayotumia kuwasiliana na familia yako, vipuri vya magari unayoendesha kutaja machache. Gazeti moja la nje ya TZ toleo la mwezi wa nne linasema kwamba Kariakoo ndiyo kitovu cha wauzaji wa hizo bidhaa feki. Tumekuwa tukishuhudia nyumba kuungua moto na tunalaumu kikosi table runners cha zimamoto table runners na gizo fire engines lakini kitovu kipo katika table runners uuzaji wa nyaya feki . Mwananchi wa kawada kwa sasa hana amani anapoenda kununua table runners manunuzi yake hapo Tanzania na tena isha kuwa utamaduni wa kuambiwa na wauzaji kwamba table runners ukitaka feki bei yake ni kiasi kadhaa na ukitaka mlupo bei yake ni chini mara nne. Swali langu kwa serkali imeshindwaje kuwakomboa raia wake kutokana na kuingia na kuuzwa tena waziwazi kwa hizi bidhaa feki? Je, serkali imebinafsisha kazi za kusimamia bidhaa zinazoingia Tanzania? Kama jibu ni hasi , basi kwa nini zimejaa madukani kariakoo na kwingineko? Vyombo vya dola na adhabu inayotolewa ni ndogo sana kulinganisha na faida hawa wanyang anyi wanayopata table runners . Pendekezo: table runners Serikali IBADILISHE NA KUWEKA sheria zenye adhabu kali tena si faini peke yake bali na kifungo kabisa kwa wasambazaji, table runners wauzaji, na wanaopitisha hizi bidhaa feki hili kupunguza na kuzuia lindi hili la bidhaa feki. Pili, mwananchi inabidi nasi tubadilike na kuzikwepa kama ukoma hizi bidhaa feki kwani ni upotezaji wa fedha zako ulizozitolea jasho na pia ni kuatarisha usalama wako na wa familia yako.
Dar es Salaam's bustling Kariakoo market, where counterfeit goods are big business. Credit:Sarah table runners McGregor/IPS DAR ES SALAAM, Aug 20 (IPS) - The mishmash of shops in Tanzania's central Kariakoo market in Dar es Salaam stock an infinite array of brand name fakes. Throngs table runners of customers snap up mobile phones, designer gear, high-tech electronics and gadgets - all imitations being sold at unbelievably low prices. The fakes business table runners is booming in one of the world's poorest nations, table runners where pricey authentic items are beyond the reach of most consumers. The east African nation ranks 159th out of 177 countries on the United Nations' table runners Human Development Index, which measures a range of poverty and economic indicators. Per capita spending is 340 dollars a year. ‘‘I don't think we're doing a bad business because we're helping people to survive on the little money they have,’’ said salesperson Yahaya Khalini, who declined to give his real name in fear of police retribution. table runners More than half the mobile phones and computer parts dangling from hooks in his tiny store in Kariakoo are knock-offs, which are illegal to sell. But some Tanzanians are vehemently opposed to the sale of counterfeit goods. One such person is Hussein Kamote, table runners director of policy at the Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI). He told IPS in an interview in Dar es Salaam that the illicit trade has a negative effect on the economy. Tanzania loses up to 780 million dollars a year in government revenues and 140,000 jobs because of counterfeiting, according to a recent report by CTI. More than 20 percent of the merchandise offered in Tanzania's major trading centres - including the cities of Arusha, Mwanza and Moshi, and the semi-autonomous island of Zanzibar - is pirated, the study showed. That rises to 70 percent if you include below-standard goods. ‘‘Most of the counterfeits table runners in Tanzania use brand names. They are also sub-standard in quality,’’ Kamote argued, saying that such goods can have ‘‘serious safety consequences for consumers, hurt the economy and prevent the local manufacturing industry from growing’’. Still, counterfeiting thrives because of demand from Tanzania's cash-strapped shoppers for low-price fakes, he said. Some customers are also duped into buying counterfeits. Many of the fakes are virtually carbon copies of the original, table runners Kamote indicated. ‘‘The worst part is you buy it cheap but actually it's expensive because you pay for it several times over after it breaks,’’ he added. Shoddy products can also have lethal results. Fake medicines - from anti-retrovirals for AIDS patients to the anti-impotence pill Viagra - make it to the shelves of some pharmacies in Tanzania. The World Intellectual Property Organisation estimates the global value of counterfeit g

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