Monday, February 2, 2015

In An Unexpected Journey, Peter Jackson got me really breathtaking. As in the previous trilogy, sta

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An Unexpected Journey came to kill the nostalgia that "old nerds" had the trilogy The Lord of the Rings and present Middle-earth to the "new nerds", being responsible, along with the films mentioned above, the increase of our race .
And the mind of the ultimate nerd, JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit has been designed and again Peter Jackson made us the miracle again to cross the universe created by the master in his books to the movies. If the ring trilogy, the PJ's job was to condense the most of the more than 1200 pages of a dense and highly descriptive content, now in The Hobbit his work was just the opposite: stretch, densify and bring less than 300 tips pages loose and fast adventures.
In An Unexpected Journey, Peter Jackson got me really breathtaking. As in the previous trilogy, stasis created by Tolkien, in which the characters were all without hurry and were days and days resting, was replaced by moments of urgency and tension that took the characters cookers and the viewers to the limit of emotions.
The opening scene, showing how was the fall of Thrain and the City of Erebor the Lonely Mountain has shown that the film would have several incursions into the past, with epic battles and amazing scenarios. Coming to the County, we see one day long remembered by us: the birthday of Bilbo (Martin Freeman), when it starts to write the red book. The introduction of Frodo (Elijah Wood) in this part created cookers a beautiful bond with the opening of The Fellowship of the Ring, reliving the excitement cookers of 11 hours (the extended version) of the previous trilogy.
The county scenes were so comical as described cookers in the book. I was lacking only the hospitality of Bilbo and the speech that the small aperture through which would have to go "seemed to very large" that were lost in the transposition, but no major problems. The scene of the trolls was also very good, showing the difference of the book dwarf Gimli bobalhões for-like cookers warriors dwarves.
The brown wizard, Radagast (Sylvester McCoy), made his first film appearance and was one of the additions that matter most to the subplot of the Necromancer. In short: Gandalf (Sir Ian McKellen) leaves the dwarves at one point the book and this is explained by a fight against certain power of darkness personified the Necromancer, although this is only mentioned, is a key part of the War of the Ring, it shows that the strength of Sauron was already increasing. Therefore, Peter Jackson cookers and the writers had the great idea to take it to the film and also use as an excuse to join in Rivendell (or Rivendell), the owner of the house last Elrond friend (Hugo Weaving), Lady Galadriel (Cate Blanchett) and white wizard Saruman (Christopher Lee) on board to see the fate of Middle-earth's inhabitants.
It should clarify what I said above: work on The Hobbit was not only translate the book to film, because this was written to be unique and not integrated into something bigger, but also precisely cookers integrate it into the ring trilogy and mythology of the Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales.
To increase the flow of history, put the one who was killed in the making of Moria, the king orc Azog (John Rawls) to hunt Bilbo and the dwarves 13 was great, because originally he had been killed by the dwarf Dain. This gave a frantic pace and assured great fight scenes person to person missing from the book. Gandalf The Hobbit was very much a "magician of cheap tricks" as its say and PJ knew transpose it as a Istari should be: powerful and imposing. The reason for the journey was much more poetic: not just a search for a lost treasure, but the desire to return home to the dwarves.
Now, not everything is perfect. The dwarves were unfortunately badly presented. Not only the fault of the writing staff / directors and producers, but by Tolkien himself did not give a lot of personality to each of them. Other than that got to do with Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Boromir, Merry and Pippin, among others, Peter Jackson failed to characterize so well the dwarves. Thorin oak shield (with the right scene that shows how won the surname) was well characterized, and Kili (the pretty face of dwarf

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