When my first child entered kindergarten and began making the first strange to chips. Strangely, that a child with 3 or 4 years had more or less the same life that a child 8 or 9. I thought, naively, that in the nursery they just played and learned whatever was playing, ripping leaves, painting with your fingers to do legos, to find out what sprang to them and try to ruin all that you appear ahead. I thought that in kindergarten, overlays as the name implies, it will be possible child at ease and littering, jump, abuse the patience of the teachers and get jaded home. I did not think that started early to do "work". But it is still said to me the other parents. They start early to prepare for school overlays and already have to go for the first year with immense skills or get left behind. For their sake, the sooner they start, the better your future. Then I discovered this daycare and my children thank me every day for not having surrendered to me this pedagogical theory. I did not by rational choice, was mere intuition. Instinctively I chose to say no to chips, aligned to banks and educational ASAE of kindergartens. My kids just to make chips at school where he also learned to do math, grammar, etc.
"Many of the fashions supposedly overlays based on brain science, such as Einstein and Mozart baby baby, have been discredited since I wrote" The Myth of the First Three Years "in 1999. In the United States, a major political overlays issue has to do with the universal need of kindergarten from four years. Advocates of this policy often refer to neuroscience overlays and the unique learning skills overlays that would have the infant brain. overlays In my opinion, there neuroscience findings to justify this position. All we know based on evidence of behavior is that children from media with cultural disadvantages can benefit from an introduction to early formal education. Give special assistance to these children is very different overlays to offer an early intervention or educational programs to all children. (...) "
We can be sure that parents should ensure overlays that the eyes and ears of a child usually work. Apart from that, as a neuroscientist colleague once told me, 'based on what we know from neuroscience, parents should not close their children in dark closets, overlays hit them in the head with frying pans or let them starve'. We know that extreme deprivation is bad for children. But we do not know, and probably not the case, that a stimulation or additional and intensive enrichment has beneficial effects. And belief in the irreversible effects of the first educational overlays experience imposes an unjustified overlays burden to parents. Furthermore, to concentrate all resources in these phases results in a decrease of continuing education and adults.
"The so-called attachment theory says that the first two and a half years of life are crucial overlays for the child to establish a relationship with your caregiver and this relationship is the basis for social and emotional overlays development. If disturbed, it can lead to mental problems , psychiatric, criminal problems at later ages, etc. Professor Michael Rutter studied Romanian orphans, children who grew up in terrible environments, subjected to extreme hardship. The most notable overlays is how resilient they show to be. After adopted, we must examine with great depth, using very precise measures of mental well-being, to discover significant differences between them and other children adopted in the United Kingdom. (...) "
Anita the 06/06/2014 at 11:16 I have always maintained that. If you could my boys stayed at home, of course, with fellow play, to go to primary overlays school. I just put one now in school, 4 years old, because I think it needs to live with children their age. The play tb is learned. Thanks for the link sharing comment reply
Pipinhaeheh of the 06.06.2014 15:52 That's right. overlays Kids need lots of play, will have a lifetime to study, stresssar compete. I have two cousins that to primary stayed with grandparents who had neither the 4th grade and were both students of 19/20. Parents were already licensed but most of the time spent with grandparents and intellectual stimulation is that they had? Review link respond
Vera Maria Figueiredo the 06/06/2014 to 17:13 totally agree !! Ha who live the drama of the children being "inferior" intellectual level and the mess in the school to be stimulated from 2 years ... will they ever happy adults? But then we have something too horrible and completely opposite to think that depriving school kids is a greater good ... for many reasons I think a terrible mistake, depriving the school kids. Nowadays people live exaggerations, there is no half measures pa
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