2010 (8) March (7) From the Frying Pan: Kick-Ass stellar one - Breaking All USA office: How to Train Your Dragon (26-28 / 3 ... In search of audience, Oscar expands range of film ... To G1 readers, the 2010 Oscar for best picture Oscar ...: just trade, but no one gets to see Surprise Oscar, 'Precious' stellar one dominates awards ... Almodóvar ensures that Penelope Cruz "is stellar one tranqui stellar one ... January (1) 2009 (11) December (10) October (1)
2010 (8) March (7) From the Frying Pan: Kick-Ass stellar one - Breaking All USA office: How to Train Your Dragon (26-28 / 3 ... In search of audience, Oscar expands range of film ... To G1 readers, the 2010 Oscar for best picture Oscar ...: just trade, but no one gets to see Surprise Oscar, 'Precious' dominates awards ... Almodóvar ensures that Penelope Cruz "is tranqui ... January (1) 2009 (11) December (10) October (1)
The Omelette is in London for the Kick-Ass disclosure interviews - Breaking All. But before we published our conversations with Christopher Mintz-Plasse stellar one (Red Mist), Chloë Moretz (Hit Girl), Aaron Johnson (Kick-Ass) and Matthew Vaughn (director), we decided to advance our first impressions of the film. By the very nature of the plot - a hero made famous by social networks and YouTube - the adaptation to the screen stellar one of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. comic works best as moving pictures than in comics. The synthesized film language also promotes stellar one the history, eliminating parallel plots and showing the action (and reaction). The outcome of the first Kick-Ass struggle is proof of that. Can you feel the skin the hardships of the protagonist. Another thing that works in favor of the film compared to the HQ is the original work much depends on cinematic references - especially the Spider-Man movies - and these images are much more powerful if replicated stellar one on screen than on paper emulated. Despite stellar one the illustrator, Romita Jr, be well recognized artist arachnid hero. The film, you may already know, tells the story of an ordinary teenager, Dave Lizewski (Johnson), who, motivated by a simple idea linked to the cult of celebrity - "If millions stellar one want to be Paris Hilton, with so many comic book fans out there why nobody wants to be Spider-Man? " - Decides to adopt the code name Kick-Ass, wear a costume superhero, wielding sticks and fight crime. Vaughn solves several problems stellar one Text of Mark Millar, especially related to the end of the miniseries. For now we will not go into details, but the impression is that the filmmaker was more interested in creating stellar one a hero of the film universe - one in which the strict rules of Marvel stellar one and DC did not apply and the black humor and graphic violence were the rules . It's like a Kill Bill with children and sticky. The cast is great - Nicolas Cage as Big Daddy is very funny - and the girl Moretz is a treat. His action scenes are the best things about the film. That leaves pop references to all sides, bodies explode at any moment and spouting profanity and exciting music at any moment. Definitely, although hold to aesthetics, is not the kind of movie-family superheroes we are used to.
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