Saturday, December 20, 2014

Shortcuts to work with selected tin text cursor right one character Klydjht view of the left-right

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As we know, the Microsoft Office suite of programs is one of the most important ever made in the software market and is unlikely ever heard of one of them, or with one of the programs that would not do.
For example, Microsoft Word, one of the programs that we And.hrf computer enthusiasts will certainly use it to get training or professional office, but for those who want professional talk to act.
These shortcuts in many parts of Microsoft Office applications and tools that are not related only to one of these shortcuts with Mabashyd For learning more and try to keep the shortcut and click on things they use.
Leaders move to a word document and to view Left view Right + Ctrl + Ctrl + Ctrl paragraph above to view a full screen top to bottom view + Ctrl Page up Page down one full page down to the bottom line of the first row Home End the beginning of a document Ctrl + Home up one end of a document Ctrl + End key to look up a low-key row to the bottom perspective view of one character to the left or right side or delete Klydjht tin word or phrase on the right (next) Location cursor Ctrl + Del to delete the word or phrase on the right (before) the cursor Ctrl + Backspace moves the cursor to the top of the screen Ctrl + Page up Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen Ctrl + Page down
Shortcuts to work with selected tin text cursor right one character Klydjht view of the left-right character selection cursor + Shift + Shift to select a word Klydjht Klydjht Left view Right view + Shift + Ctrl key to select a line Shift + End to select a paragraph to view Pick A + Ctrl + Shift + Ctrl down the entire document to a specific page G + Ctrl
Shortcuts to edit text, delete the character preceding the cursor Backspace to delete the character the cursor is located or text selected Delete to delete the word preceding the cursor Ctrl + Backspace Delete next character pointer Ctrl + Delet copy and delete selected text Ctrl + X copy the selected text Ctrl + C Paste the copied tin text Ctrl + V Check spelling in a document F7 find text within a document Ctrl + F to replace tin the text in the document Ctrl + H to act Undo Ctrl + Z action Redo Ctrl + Y end of the line and transfer to Enter move to the next row down the Insert Tab Outline indent the first line of the paragraph or jump to jump stations Tab removing or adding the current line Ctrl + 0
Keys to change the font of the text formatting change font size F + Shift + Ctrl P + Shift + Ctrl bold italics font B + Ctrl underlining the stylus pen I + Ctrl U + Ctrl double underlined fonts D + Shift Space Bar + Ctrl + Ctrl remove character formatting, paragraph 1 + Ctrl-space lines, only the lines of paragraph 2 + Ctrl double space the lines of paragraph 5 + Ctrl Aligns the paragraph 5.1 E + Ctrl Left Aligns the paragraph level L + Ctrl Right rated R + Ctrl paragraph Aligns the left sides of paragraph J + Ctrl highlight paragraphs highlight the paragraph Azrast M + Ctrl M + shift + Ctrl Delete paragraph formatting Q + Ctrl F9 to update the fields, the field of view of the Shift + F9 changing all the fields in a document Alt + F9 or decrease font size increase the size of a figure [+ Ctrl A] Change the font size to default size prior or subsequent conversion of letters common to both the line and vice versa D + Shift + Ctrl convert letters normal to low and vice versa = + Ctrl become indexed to indexed ordinary letters and vice versa = + Ctrl + Shift into words beginning with the letters AK + shift + Ctrl change the font size of the current F + F + Shift + Ctrl change the current font Shift + Ctrl F3 + Shift Change the current font size to create the next row P + Shift + Ctrl remove dint dint dint remove the second row next row + TCtrl T + Shift + Ctrl A + Ctrl to select the entire document to insert a line break Enter + Shift the transmission to the next row or page Ctrl + Enter reveal or hide signs of H + Shift + Ctrl
Among the first keys to activate menus as Alt + F File menu in the menu bar ALT activation tin activation activation Alt + E Edit menu Alt + V View menu Alt + I Insert menu activation activation activation menu Alt + O Format menu Alt + T Tools menu Alt + A Table activation activation activation menu Alt + W Windows menu Alt + H Help
14. For the English text if the Persian type = alt + shift
When working with Word 21. If you need to open one of the boxes, standard bar is enough to hold alt and Zyrnam note if it is underlined first letter of each of these menus you type Svrtanglysy is enough to click OK. Menu opens, note that in each such case, there Azzyr menus.
23. To save the typed text = (Q) ctrl + s Tvjhknyd save in the first box opens and you must type a name for the text Khvdbgzaryd and click ok button at the bottom of the Word, but later on the start bar Note If the floppy disk symbol appears for a few seconds and then it disappeared.
25. If you want a word or phrase GT (find) to (b) ctrl + f use words or word of your choice, and click on Kadrtayp find nex, enter the box, and will find it for you If you have more than once Tkrtr Bazdn each button and enter the next standing Rapyda will find next.
26. If the word or phrase

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