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Shortcut keys or the keyboard shortcut is a combination of different software applications and functions differently. As the name implies, these shortcuts in the navigation menus to find the time for various functions Jlvgryry and actually increase the speed of your work. If you're Secretariat staff and offices, you'll need the keys and using them will save you time. Then we'll pay 10 Quick widely used in Word and Excel.
Certainly we all have when typing or spelling errors in Word and Excel settings do mistakes. Combination of buttons Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y for the work you are comfortable. This key is used to return to the previous setting and then are adjusted via two curved arrows to the left and right at the top of the software is within reach.
To find a specific word in the text is no longer a need to search the entire text just use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F and enter the word to search for. If you want to automatically repeat a word that is written zepter frequently replaced with another word, you do not have to find or write a new word, just use the shortcut Ctrl + H and old word, and the word you want replace the text of the comment. The software will automatically do it.
Certainly the simplest and most popular copying software functionality and control over Mtnhast simply select the text and right click on it and select the option for editing. The simpler solution is to use the key combination zepter Ctrl + X to cut, Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste the text. With these shortcuts, you can easily and quickly do their jobs.
Another application is the most used shortcuts to copy and paste, select zepter the shortcut text. You no longer need to select the entire text of your mouse and select from top to bottom. To do this, use the key combination Ctrl + A. This will select all text at once, so you do the desired operation on it.
Printing is much easier than many people think they are. Easily in Word or Excel, use the keys Ctrl + P to print. But before that, we suggest you use the Print Preview option to see possible problems and also save on the use of paper. To preview and print the key combination Ctrl + F2 to use.
This option is most useful in long tables Excel allows you to have a row, column, or cell to go. To do this, use the key combination Ctrl + G or F5, then a window opens and the page number or the option or any other option you choose and the number on the other side button.
Use this shortcut in Word and Excel is somewhat different. In Word using the key combination Ctrl + Home moves the cursor to the beginning of the text typed. But in Excel using the same key combination (Ctrl + Home) Cursor home Excel Tables A1 or the first house is transferred.
In normal mode, you can press the left and right arrow keys to move the cursor character by character. But if you want it to be word for word, the key combination Ctrl and the left and right directions in order to navigate to the next or previous use of the word.
To select a line by line, sentence by sentence without using the mouse and keyboard use is better than this. By holding the Shift key and the keyboard arrow keys to select text with greater accuracy and faster to do this.
Analysis 1 / Apr / 1393 7 How I hate Microsoft Office! + Link to download the software free alternative
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