Sunday, August 31, 2014

Otherwise noisy grinder. Dupli when he figures out grains. Silence from him, of course I did not ex

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As for the length of milling, is how much can be milled by machine. Maximum setup I would put the number 4 small grinding mr coffee stone does mean that after prolonged grinding begin to overheat faster. So you start to burn the coffee. Not literally, but coffee is bad for any other heating, as during the actual training.
Otherwise noisy grinder. Dupli when he figures out grains. Silence from him, of course I did not expect, but the engine has a fairly high speed, and is liable as bike. At one point I got the crazy idea to modify it to me straight mr coffee into the ground lever. I quickly carved from aluminum desired shape and temporarily mounted to the place where coffee falls into the container. Full of enthusiasm and expectations mr coffee I accompanied the lever and let play. Well, it was the sound of electric buggy. Electrified crushed coffee went off across the kitchen. Well, I tried, this mutation will not go. Even in normal use, coffee is electrified. mr coffee Not prevent or additional grounding, since plastic is here abound. Rating
What milling concerns, it is him well. After about three years I began to feel that my settings thickness has not fit. To become old stones. I did it the easiest, what they could. Below the upper grinding stone I put on wafer-thin metal washers, put back and remember the new settings thickness. Since then milled mr coffee without problems. The second thing is that the skin lumps are formed. It is not a problem specifically only this machine, they do it all cheap plasťáky. Take the chance to break into lumps. I do this so that a container of ground mr coffee coffee pohrkám mr coffee properly, or it pohrabem skewers. Why do it? If the lumps pour into the lever and oppress the oppressed layer of coffee mr coffee unevenly. That is, the points of the flow will be faster, slower again elsewhere. In the worst case, we denser place will burn. You will feel the difference in the taste of espresso.
In March 2012 broke down. Broke off the main button, which triggers mašina. mr coffee I immediately mrkol to build mlyčeka. One has to wait, without a single screw, to be "beyond repair". No it is not, additional electrical waste will not produce, mr coffee I have ventured thus to dismantling. It turned out that the entire bonnet is only encountered the mill. Four places I then drove skewers and mill was opened. I found a broken button. Of coarse polypropylene self-adhesive foil, I carved a desired shape and glued it to her. I then whole prišróboval original screw back. When I opened it already had everything I really purified and reassemble. I managed to not neulomiť, mill works to date without further mr coffee problems.
Clean the machine goes well. The top stone can all choose clean and beautiful. At the bottom you can get it a little worse, because of the small size. Still, this is not a tragedy, and to all a good approach. Stones hold the three screws so it can be completely removed and, therefore, properly cleaned.
The final assessment is that for normal home use enough. Served at your options equally, I use it to espresso ground coffee, moky and sometimes into alternatives. Otherwise it is a plastic toy with a little patience can work without any problems and repairs. These pads stones you can do each, just inserted the screws that hold the stone.
Machine mr coffee from the Italian brand La Pavoni I had to targeted several years ago. I liked the stainless steel, had nice control switches and pressure gauge. Furthermore, there was a check valve, the delight eg when cleaning. How to handle mr coffee individual mr coffee work?
As with all small machines, heating process takes a relatively long time. Accelerate can be different witchcraft. Switching to steam, water abundant forgiveness and the like. I tried only a few times, the effort worth it to me. If I wanted to espresso, I just turn on the machine right after waking mr coffee up and settled it. Breakfast mr coffee and a few hours later, so it has more time to warm-up. mr coffee
The boiler is a little over time can be a little play with the temperature. For review Lelito temperature control I verified that some coffee taste better at lower temperatures, while others mr coffee at higher. While Puccio at the temperature you set, but if you know that coffee is better at lower temperatures, so it simply prepare for the colder machine. Alternatively, cooling off lever. mr coffee If you know that coffee has a rather mr coffee higher temperature, mr coffee then let the lever based on the machine for a long time. Then forgive a few times water until the green light goes out right temperature, wait until the lights again and immediately begin the extraction. mr coffee Simply, when you use the machine 5-6 years, you have to get used to each other. Do you know where to caress, and where it attract the reins.
Worth it to them to attract the dose of coffee. To a large bowl to double shot holds 16 grams and quite. When you put more small pump simply be pushed. St

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