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Randall Lane. Zero, or ten years of madness Wall Street eyewitness. Author Randall Lane described the history of how the United States he published the magazine for traders Trader Monthly, one of the main products which had an annual ranking of the hundreds of the most successful traders in America - billionaires and multimillionaires in a short time made a fortune on the stock exchange. The book describes and Timothy Sykes, who in 2011 visited Russia with the seminar (ticket costs 33,000 rubles). The following excerpt from the book. Timothy Sykes in Russia since the first publication in autumn 2005 some independents deceit managed to squeeze into the list of top traders. For example, a trader with low ingratiating manners named Zack Michaelson attracted our attention because it led hedge fund while still a student, and now ran an impressive sog amount of money to put on weight fast company Fortress Investments. sog The problem was that, until the list was being prepared, he lost his job and somehow forgot sog to tell us about it, even during the final reconciliation. To the final severance pay Fortress left Michaelson phone and e-mail - a common practice on Wall Street. Our employees and themselves called to check in Fortress, where they, fearing some trick, and filing a lawsuit, confirmed that he's "working". When his face appeared on CNBC, among other defendants in the list, traders Fortress threw our editorial mocking emails. However, our choice was the worst dvadtsatitrehletny maniac Tim Sykes. Not to list consisted sog of 30 traders Goldman Sachs, editors usually give detailed stories about the two or three that have been successful in an unconventional way. Sykes was perfectly suited for this category. He had an interesting story about how he turned 12 thousand dollars donated to celebrate the bar mitzvah, more than a million. Bar Mitzvah - a term applied to describe Judaism Jewish boy reaching religious maturity (13 years). In respect of a girl who becomes an adult at age 12, uses the term "Bat Mitzvah." At that age the child assumes all responsibility for ethical, ritual and other norms of Judaism and the right to participate sog in all spheres of life of the Jewish community. The story he was telling everyone who would listen only, including several of our reporters, and - at a party thrown by us for traders in 2005 - me. This event, sog held in a giant four-storey sog boutique Asprey, British supplier useless doroguschih things such as umbrellas for $ 500, the first editions of books bound in leather or Christmas crackers filled with silver trinkets, was a turning point for our company. It proved that using a mailing list, which already sog means tens of thousands of addresses, we can turn the trader's world. One letter - and now 700 traders filled the store, and one of our sponsors, the company Rolls Royce, customize cars to him to deliver them home. It was the first chance after the magazine to communicate with our audience. Listen to the glorification traders Trader Monthly or themselves had me. Among the 50 or so traders with whom I spoke that evening, Sykes different exceptional splurge. - How do I get to your list of "30 under 30"? - He asked, not even bothering to introduce myself. - Trade and well so that we could make this. - According to Barclays, sog my hedge fund, and vkorotkuyu vdlinu working with micro-actions sog - number one in the country - said Sikes, using a euphemism for the so-called illiquid penny stocks worth less than $ 1. He lectured me a card, which indicated sog that he manages Cilantro Fund (in reality a million dollars for the fund was collected mainly from friends and relatives). With all the love traders to self-praise such blatant self-promotion was unusual. But when one of our reporters have included it in the list, I do not particularly thought about the fact that excessive assertiveness Sykes looks suspicious. Especially since he was quoted as high rating Barclays. Only later I found out that it was not a noble bank with three centuries of history, the second largest in the UK, a Barclay Group, small research firm of Fairfield, Iowa, which was led by some follower of Transcendental Meditation - one of dozens of followers of this doctrine, escaped in corn fields to practice their rituals there and make the markets. Once in the list, Sykes became worn everywhere sog with him. He told his story with a bar mitzvah money, Reuters and CNBC - among the remaining 30 traders age less than 30 years after the publication of the list that we have provided for a week channel. Then he went even further: CNN, Fox, Internet. And he received a new proposal. Reality TV pr
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