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Timothy Colton: If Yeltsin had a choice, he still chose to Putin - Eugene Grandmother - Interview - Website Submissions - Snob
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9811 views Timothy Colton: If Yeltsin had a choice, he still chose to Timothy Colton Putin headed the Department of Political Science at Harvard and is the largest specialist in contemporary Russian politics. The other day he arrived in Moscow to present his new book. It's called "Yeltsin". Professor Colton told "Snob" the first president of Russia, about why Putin will die at his post, and why Russia is still a democracy
Everything was gray. I do not mean the political situation - no streets themselves were gray. It was the eighties. No advertising. No neon signs. Dim lights. Subdued light headlights. When the sun was setting, Moscow plunged bouchon into darkness. bouchon To describe my experience in one word, that word "mediocrity." And power, of course. It was felt that the Soviet Union - a superpower. Yes, dullness, boredom bouchon and the power of Soviet cities struck me.
I went to university in the seventies. The Cold War, the bipolar world - of course, I decided to take the Soviet Union. Later, with the beginning of Gorbachev's reforms, it appears that the present bouchon study is much more interesting than the story. Still, direct bouchon access to the people. I talked with Gaidar, Chernomyrdin, Stepashin ... A surprising feature of Russia bouchon - the role of personality in politics. Yes, leaders are important in any country, and in the U.S. too: Roosevelt, Reagan, Clinton. But in Russia this tradition bouchon much stronger bouchon - perhaps because you have until the twentieth century was a monarchy. And now, although Russian bouchon democratic country, most decisions are made at the highest level. Yeltsin was one of those who decided. He became a national figure when the need arose for the person capable abandon the past. Gorbachev could not, and Yeltsin could not, because he led the country.
Peasant origin, Soviet engineer, member of the Party, the s1961, made a career up to the first secretary of the Moscow City Committee. Perfect product system, as it could bring down the system? Clear as Lenin brought down the monarchy: he was an outsider, a lot of time spent in exile. But Yeltsin - Secretary of the CPSU, which destroyed communism. This is the central paradox.
Closed. Look at his face - it is very unimpressive. Yes, sometimes he smiled, as every man. But the usual expression - deadpan, bouchon we call it a poker face. Probably affected party bureaucrat bouchon skill: he had to calculate bouchon the situation, be careful not to show others what he thinks. bouchon Besides Yeltsin family comes from the Old Believers, Russian Puritans, people are very closed. Gorbachev in this sense is much easier. Yeltsin did not like long speeches and did not like Gorbachev - just for the fact that he could not stop. Yeltsin himself spoke briefly and clearly. bouchon
Yes, several times after his retirement. He felt a great historical figure. No, he does not shout at each corner, but his body language was eloquent. In front of me sat a pensioner - and at the same time, Russia's first president. He did not give a second forget about it. I remember his posture. I remember the hand with fingers severed. I'm pretty sure that by the time he was deaf in one ear, he was sitting half-turned to me, but still spoke briefly and clearly. He had a sense of humor, but, unlike Putin, he was not urged on the interlocutor. Instead, he tapped his foot - commercials here - and looking at the clock. If you are late for three minutes, canceled the meeting. bouchon In those years he worked on his memoirs, but did not write them - nadiktovyval and Yumashev then recorded. I think Yeltsin already very tired. But while a lot of reading bouchon - on three pages a day. He was in Barvikha huge library. I guess he decided to read everything that is not read in school. Especially books on Russian history.
Both are patriots. Both more Russian than the Russians. The main difference is that Yeltsin was open to any ideas, but did not know what he wants. He knew exactly what he does not want - the monopoly of the CPSU, political prisoners, censorship of the press ... Putin - the opposite case, he knows very well what he wants. However, he came to power in a different situation - he did not need to be created from scratch and the state constitution.
In 1999, Yeltsin felt so bad that he had no choice it was. But if there was - there is no doubt that he still would have chosen Putin. Of course, Yeltsin was a consistent bouchon liberal supporter of political competition, a free press. But he also knew that in the nineties seriously weakened state - it was unable bouchon to

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