Today I spent a good half an hour to find a particular turners recipe, which 100% has to be my "archive", but could not find ... I wanted to look at the author's blog, but it turned out that the author has removed his blog. I realized that can not continue to be necessary to finally do the procedure. Now recipes are available: 1) the individual turners doc and pdf files, different thematic catalogs "+" - everything is on your hard drive and can be used at any time; "-" - Awkward, searching for some kind of unspecified turners prescription is required to open and view dozen / dozens of cases ... an awful lot of time and it sucks. turners - If a recipe corresponds to more than one category, it is the same case should have several files - "stone age" :( 2) browser "favorites" + "- no work - drag a link to the folder" Favorites "and so; - To view, I click "Open All" and when closing the "tab'us" I find quickly what you need "-" - if the author removes the source, it remains just a memory of a good recipe. 3) a closed Internet blog + - quickly and easily; - Working "copy turners / paste" - Tags can be grouped into different categories (eg. Blogger system); - Convenient and quick search - Wanted Recipes / Clips shown one after the other, it remains only paskrolinti; "-" - On the Internet, but not competent; - Making "copy / paste" does not copy the photos but only references to them, so if the author has removed your blog / site / source, a photo from my archive disappears (here the main drawback for this method is not suitable). Option "Save As ..." one picture is not suitable - some "master class" after records are a dozen or even several dozens of photos - here the whole life will not be enough;) 3) Thunderbird RSS skaityklėje + - effortless archiving - enough to click "Archive" - a label, not very comfortable, but is "-" - only blogs with RSS channels case, do not put any text from elsewhere - some bloggers does not read the whole entry through the RSS And now the most important part - Ideal dream :) It would be "bad" just the hard drive. Be sure to operate on a "copy / paste" pictures from the Internet ie copying text with photos and paste into the program window, you click "Save" and everything is full hard drive;) Also known to be a label that can be searched by a single text different queries and have it in different categories. Maybe you've heard of something like that? Are there any database that can be adapted? Programming or database creation from scratch as inappropriate for - is neither the time nor the strength nor the desire turners to learn;) Share your thoughts and solutions. Even if 100% not fulfill a dream, it can help improve the situation, or be useful to others. Thank you that you have read so many letters;)
I pasiskųsiu the occasion itself I consider everything very very sukatalogizavusi turners computer, each recipe in a separate file (with a few exceptions). then I can find it through a simple search. only problem is that .. I do not know why, but I can not directly copy ištinklapio with photographs - just copy the empty space, and then the pictures have one hand paste. vargelis !! 2010. 6 February. 09:46 Chief wrote ... I advise to try Evernote. 2010. 6 February. 12:19 siga wrote ...
Not sure how bad the author, turners but as downloaded Evernote, but do not understand how to use it, as they arrive (so to speak save your changes) certain pages, videos, or pictures? 2010. 23 February. 14:26 Dautartas wrote ...
I'm still testing different solutions. Go slowly, because awfully do not have time. Be sure to write the final summary. Evernote already tried it. Perfection. It has two drawbacks: - 40 MB of free transfers per month is enough to +/- 20 recipes;) And pay 500 Mb Transfer somehow I do not see sense; - All the information lies somewhere knows where, instead turners of my hard drive. Anyway, this is my me Evernote particular product "unreasonable" (very much like to use another word) Americans and certainly no personal or business information nelaikyčiau there. In his "hands" to give information about himself knows what they hold it knows where and who knows what that could benefit from it? Thanks happens quicker ... Now I started to test OneNote 2010 (Beta). So far it seems fine. 2010. 23 February. 14:59 Lithuanian wrote ...
A try programs such as Cook'n or Mastercook. I myself use Cook'n and am happy with it. All the necessary features, easy to use, requires no special skills. You can search by recipe ingredients available by prescription name
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