Sunday, September 28, 2014

The hall, built in the middle of the table sat a huge educators, non-governmental organizations, wa

The cultural and art institutions are not permanently closed doors and empty halls. However, the city had gained a special status - becoming the cultural capital of Lithuania - events like they poured from a horn of plenty: washing machines a year to be even a few hundred.
March Panevezys meet with France in April - with Denmark, in May - with Sweden and Norway. The summer months will be devoted to the Baltic countries and in Latin America, Italy, September event participants will have access to the Slavs, and in October - the Germanic countries. November will be addressed to the United Kingdom, December - Finland.
While summer is still continuing to explore China and Japan. Museums, galleries, libraries, organized various exhibitions, meetings, cultural centers, theaters - concerts, performances, themed evenings.
The hall, built in the middle of the table sat a huge educators, non-governmental organizations, washing machines nursing homes, day care center wards of young people and others expressing an interest in the project, their creative forces who choose to test.
For each participant in the project was to help all the tools necessary washing machines for their operation, washing machines ceramic bowls with slices, brushes, paints, adhesives, instructional materials, and plain round coasters, after intensive creative process virsiantis mosaic piece of work.
Program Manager Girmantas Rudokas by artist sketches of the Chinese characters and the program washing machines introduced the participants to the country's most important character values of the history, basic color combinations.
Colors are always thoroughly combined, they are to create a sense of order and harmony. Usually the emphasis pastel white, pearl gray and golden. Details - lacquer, porcelain, silk and dark wood.
Some participants of the project will create mosaics of other countries, will see that the most suitable color combinations are already different. For example, in Japan, a dark brown color schemes will be combined with a pale gray, beige color - with a light brown and cream - the chocolate and pale blue. Japanese color palette consists of subtle, neutral color.
Artist G. Rudokas, learning all those wishing washing machines to produce ceramic mosaic coasters, first introduced to the tools, warned that even if such seemingly simple tasks must be handled very carefully.
The special ceramic pieces with scissors, and grinding is necessary to wear protective goggles, washing machines because the fragments can get into the eyes and cause damage to them. Crushing chunks of the small details, the fragments can be quite a lot.
After completing teacher tips people went to work - one immediately next to each other made the colored pieces and tried to quickly attach and other long-debated, changing hues and still looking for their favorite combination. The creative process to inspire, encourage reflection, sharing, searching washing machines for the best deal.
"The initiator of this project washing machines are greatly appreciated. And for anyone who is sad, I say, is an excellent remedy for depression - art. One house maybe difficult, maybe it is unclear where to begin, washing machines but here came minded squad mood naturally washing machines improve. Weep sit and learn about such events be sure to come back to - learn, create, rejoice "- says the teacher Genutė Kizniene. She herself will be happy to hit the ceramic mosaics creative subtlety.
This was supported by St. Joseph, foster home programs coordinator Irina Juozilaitienė "Great experience, good cure-all." The classes and brought it to a foster home in a charity canteen "Bethlehem" Algirdas Kemeklis visitor. Man said the first time participating in such a project, and this occupation he loves. Carefully gathering shades, he tried to combine them to meet the Chinese color schemes.
I. Juozilaitienė says that some St. Joseph nursing home wards are also happy to join this project and leader V. Januševičienė promise that the artist with all instruments, pottery, tools come in a foster home and hold classes there.
V. Januševičienė says that this educational program chosen by chance. "It is art, and art can be like a medicine man. These thoughts are often voiced especially Chinese philosophy, "- says the project manager.
"There washing machines is no such area, which could lead to human creativity. East and all the creative arts serve to the highest - curing. Art is always in some way - through music, painting, poetry, - affects the human soul, as well as the body, "- says Mr Januševičienė.
"The development of the inner world is revealed, the mood changes, the relationship with the surrounding environment, with other people. In addition, the work is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an effective method of treatment that can help get rid of many health problems "- Project Manager washing machines expects that the implementation of the idea is not a participant in these activities will be stronger, healthier, gained new experience will be able to share it with others.
"At any age, in any situation of human creators

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