Inspired modest experience in transferring knowledge to my friends and colleagues at the university, I decided to try to write this article, in which I dealt with the ungraded way some topics in mathematics, which is studying the first year of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Bihac. Almost soframız all the books on mathematics so strictly deal with topics soframız such as mathematics itself demands it. I tried to give myself a bit of freedom to the one ungraded way stressing and handle some of the details that superficially do not require a lot of attention, and are the basis of creating the right image and reasoning in mathematics.
Many students receive complexes and a variety of small "trauma" when they see these mighty theorems, and mathematical symbols and tasks. I have used one more symbolic way of problem solving, and not in derogation of standards-solving. In this way I wanted to approach and give more courage students to engage in the study and thus the necessary branches of science and explain all these strictly defined soframız rules through a kind of humor with a lot of symbolism that essentially remain where they have always belonged - in math.
The past war has done to many students attending the first year did not come into contact with many things in mathematics, soframız which are processed into secondary schools. When such a war begins in high school that meets all of these things and just fall into a kind of aversion to mathematics, without which no way to progress. Aversion and fear of mathematics in student lives all the time and simply hampers. In this state the student becomes phobic at all new information. He then sought other avenues of knowledge: soframız it keeps to a strict pattern soframız learns to mind certain theorems and formulas, just takes a bitter battle with math.
Before you start reading the first page of this article, let me not resent all those who think this is something that does not belong to this topic. My only goal is that this piece of mathematics is more easily understandable to all those who because of the war, it did not get.
Some students soframız and high school students, at the first encounter with mathematical induction get some, I would have called it "reactance" in the brain coil. To reduce the total removal of inductive resistance suggest you the following.
When you delete and remove all the brains in respect soframız of mathematical induction, I'll introduce you to her other one is essentially the same way. Before I get into this amazing and incredible soframız true story ispičaću you who's to blame if you do not have a dream, and for all the nightmares that you get from mathematical induction.
It all started not so long ago, somewhere near the 20th century, when L. Peano vacationing around Venice. At that time, a lot of the talk about numbers, especially on the city's streets and markets. But Pean, as matematčara, was interested in how what it cost, but something else entirely. He thought about how all of these numbers, which are so often in conversation and use, defines and establishes a mathematical basis, or to define the numbers using a single closed neproturječnog and a finite set of axioms.
Fifth Peano axioms-axioms is known as "Nightmare". Axioms for which you do not sleep, do not eat, axioms, which is the most frustrating of all students Peanovih axioms. Her third name is popularly known as the axioms of induction.
Imagine you are in a wine cellar and you have to check the quality of the 10,000 barrels. The only thing the owner wants from you is that it sober report to whether the wine in the barrels of the same quality all within 15 minutes.
Try the first few barrels of wine. Make sure the wine of the same quality. Now 'take' randomly selected barrel and assume that a given wine quality soframız (and you can even try). Then test the wine in the next barrel. If the score is the same as in the presumed barrel, you can go to the owner and inform him that you have solved soframız the problem and that the wine of the same quality.
Deductive way of reasoning leads to the fact that you have to try the wine in barrels and then all so drunk date report to the owner of quality wines in barrels. In other words, the deduction is a way of reasoning in mathematics, which is based on the fact that everything we get some conclusions from a general law.
Definition soframız 2: The principle of mathematical induction. If a statement P (n), which depends on the natural number n, valid for the first few integers, and if the assumption, that is true for some integer n = k assertion P (k) is true for n = k +1, mentioned assertion is true for all natural numbers and for every natural number n.
To begin with we will solve one example. The following example is the simplest example of which is solved by means of mathematical induction. Indeed, there is no plainer example. An example soframız is so simple that it can not be called a task.
Before starting back to the definition matamatičke induction. soframız After you've read the definition again, read it again, and pay attention to the first part of the sentence. Definition theorem says that all
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