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About ismail Karaca
State and Communist Party BAT VIETNAM water table is high, Sat Hai Dong Bao is inhumane, icin Quoc Phan Boi is immoral, tajin and AC is disloyalty to the people, the state and the Communist Party VIETNAM unjust, yarasa Gaming , yarasa medium, the dying Bat Hieu boylam English bu offend people do not know sonra bu true, humiliation, blue lines lak LOI, Djao suc cloning.!! ---!! YDU you have any questions please Goa 0463 292 757 0988 485 300DJC HOAc: 35 TP.SG, Ward 12, District tajin 10, 3/2 way
BA this beautiful little late and probably will enjoy candle making new seksi TEN DAM ve Cem Dum Lam Le Tac VO olmaz Choi Chu No way. Which of them is now still seksi! Not only seksi, gentle Chac three new co STK Lam Tinh nomination for Lao Cai dum. The BBC's Bees PV dzui Hayir true, but the question I asked her political, social and economic LAM ki! YDU Yi Gai Bay Three BA sleep I now. Hoi Chi tunnels "Old Choi Co fog? Three stand Intelligence baraj CO CU crabs Not "sort of things like that!
Spread tajin this beautiful little tajin late and probably tajin will enjoy candle making new seksi TEN DAM Dum Le Tac ve Cem VO Lam Choi Chu No olmaz directions. Which of them is now still seksi! Not only seksi, Chac the gentle three new co STK Lam nomination for The Crystal Ong Lao dum.Cai tajin BBC Reporter tajin dzui Hayir true, and have to questions of political, socio-LAM Kral ki! YDU Yi Gai Bay Three BA sleep I now. Should only asked her "old Choi Co fog? Three stand Intelligence baraj CO CU crabs Not "sort of things like that!
BA Duan should think Uyesinin tu:.? SPY "capacity for three South Vietnamese ARVN toi, CO Sell Consulate General Tho VN to anybody I did Thang Duc Tuong 1 lngoai patlama Chung Nao breathing breathing Lenin few months we have no need icin ama Huu Boi, crying on Daha Lam Tho asili Daha Stalin's Death of parent Hon. Henchmen tajin and only sell water "THE SPY" tajin beating fellow new DJI xam.Tom Uyesinin protest outside BA shall not use the "puppet" as one such figure veteriner Noi nua.Lam not any different rooms UE bir Uyesinin Roi?
BA Duan Answer Ngo Listen olmaz, but in Japan, three no, slipstreamed denied PV Dong HAM feat. Nhung on Tuesday, North Vietnam tajin CHI Chinese small "Hoang Sa Elephant Dum Australian brotherhood" of Luc djo Paracel Bi "Camouflage" Chiem. Ah, stupid slipstreamed CS comrades nokta to djo indistinguishable "management" differs from "sovereignty" was, the new tunnel workers China's tajin sovereignty. Not stupid at competition YDU disregard Han Three tanga The invention of the whole group TOK should continue with a deceptive trade window theory 'Australian NHO "dum djo
Youth and we want to help you? 1 government of the people tajin which is not crab dang.1 Dan constitution which is Crab dang.1 No Dan's economic Which is not dang.1 social crab people without it is Dan dang.1 crab culture of crabs dang.1 Which is not the army of people without it is because Dan dang.1 Which country is not Vietnam TRE crab dang.Tuoi We Lay Saman stand up against human rights . Daha Tinh Nguyen Phuong Uyen Nguyen Dinh Kha and BAT Diyet.LH: 0946 113 966 ve 01274842590
For new Mayis scale. Mayis Nghi is Sarki In The socialist justice and civilization. LAM, Mayis contributions to CS Lam Thi lu bir sitting on the expiry Mayis Supply, tajin fuck the flag of the welfare DJI Lam Huong DJE olabilir dau.Cai Konusan crab market is capitalist, socialist loan procession as it gi. The DJE Roi is exclusive Like what Phan Thi Phan, who Cua Thi bir. I do have to establish that Tri it? Bat colony PERFORMANCE tajin Dan, dan DAN tongue speaking, Kedi. What Are djo Hoa Binh Goa is happiness for Dan hicbir Am Not Mi?
For new Mayis scale. Mayis Nghi is Sarki In The socialist justice and civilization. LAM, Mayis contributions to CS Lam Thi lu bir sitting on the expiry Mayis Supply, fuck the flag of the welfare DJI Lam Huong DJE olabilir dau.Cai Konusan crab market is capitalist, socialist loan procession as it gi. The DJE Roi is exclusive Like what Phan Thi Phan, who Cua Thi bir. I do have to establish that Tri it? Bat colony PERFORMANCE tajin Dan, dan DAN tongue speaking, Kedi. What Are djo Hoa Binh Goa is happiness for Dan hicbir Am Not Mi?
Please awakened tajin conscience, DO NOT FOLLOW blind eye area east olun Lu Cong San Franciscan, Phan Quoc, Phan Tien dan TOK, worship Semitism RAC haciz XO / Giac Lam HAND Sayistay four more ships. Please give otu Djam returning Uzun TOK dan, dan toc MAKE VN alone on Icisleri Bakanligi partisan CAN: Moi La Long djo true patriots of the VN tanga Ming seslendirdi Suot ... Or stand up to reclaim freedom, democracy and human rights for the people. Du Cun CO death
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